Saturday, April 18, 2009

Lengthy Silence

Things have been pretty busy lately, and we haven't had a chance to post in a while. Where to begin? My parents came up last weekend and took us to Zoo Zoo, which we were looking forward to quite a bit. It combined some pieces of Biglittlethings - which we enjoyed a lot this past winter - with a couple pieces from Frogz, which we haven't seen. Oh, and as you can see from the photo, Elias also spent part of the afternoon dying eggs.

On Sunday, most of our morning was taken up by holiday-related activities. Elias tracked down his basket of gifts not long after waking up, and later hunted around in the backyard for eggs. After that, we enjoyed an enormous meal - even with myself, Cara, Elias, my folks, and Patrick, we barely made a dent in it.

Cara's dad made a very welcome visit for most of this week, which also happened to overlap with Elias catching impetigo, which, uh, isn't pretty. Luckily, I was able to stay home with him for a couple days, and get him to the doctor on Monday, so he's almost fully recovered. Anyway, Elias was thrilled to see his papa, and I imagine the feeling was mutual. They went to the zoo, hiked in the Gorge, watched some glassblowing at Edgefield, picked up some books at Powell's... it sounded like a pretty decent week.

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