Friday, March 27, 2009


Elias's doctor asked us to set up an EEG for him after his seizure a few weeks ago, so this morning we went to the hospital to have that taken care of. We were told to keep him up a couple extra hours last night and wake him up a couple hours early this morning, so that hopefully he'd fall asleep during the test. He was tired and grumpy, but a pretty good sport about having to sit still and have the machine hooked up all over his head. He never did sleep, however.

Later, we all decided to go to Fernhill Park. Before we left, though, Elias had some instructions for us. I may be paraphrasing, but...

"Okay, Mom and Dad, you stand over there. Next to each other. Okay, now, do you want to play pirate ship? I'll be the captain. That means I'll have to bring my sword to the park. Okay, now Dad, you can be my first mate. And Mom, you can be my second mate."

At the park, we swam from our ship to an island with a jungle on it. There were snakes there, and lions, and packs of wolves, but also a friendly dog named Willoughby, who came home with us and shared some chocolate with Elias after dinner.

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Goodnight Moon

This afternoon we went to see the Northwest Children's Theater production of Goodnight Moon, which Elias's uncle Kai gave us tickets to last Christmas. The play featured quite a bit more singing, dancing, and physical comedy than the book, but that was probably for the best. I think Elias enjoyed it very much - there was a lot of giggling, as well as some very charming eye-covering and shivering during a few moments that he found a little frightening. Also, the disco ball that was turned on during one sequence had him mesmerized. So thanks a lot, Kai.

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Emergency room

Just a few more photos from our visit to the hospital last weekend:

Friday, March 13, 2009

Wizards, castles and the emergency room

I know... it's been a while. Things have been pretty busy here. Elias is doing well. Two weekends ago, his grandparents visited from Roseburg and he got a new castle for his many knights. He's pretty excited about it and has been playing with it a lot. Harry had a parent teacher conference with E's preschool teacher who told Harry that Elias spends a lot of time looking at books, likes to play with all of the kids at different times and likes yoga. She also said that Elias loves to talk at circle time but has a hard time listening to others when it's their turn. I guess he thinks his thoughts and experiences are more interesting than anyone else's. Where could he possibly get that? She also said that often when they're talking about something, like the water for instance, they have to put it in superhero terms to get Elias involved. Example: "Elias, what power could a superhero have that would change water?" Answer "I know! Maybe the superpower would be to freeze so that the superhero can turn water to ice!" Thank you Frozone from The Incredibles and thank you, Harry.

I have been really busy with school so I haven't been around as much, though Elias and I seem to be trading an illness back and forth. Neither one of us has been sick in a couple years, but this season has hit us hard. Elias got sick again last weekend and came down with a fever. During the course of the fever he had a seizure and we ended up taking him to the emergency room. He's fine, but on the advice of his pediatrician we scheduled an EEG for Elias and he has to go see a pediatric neurologist. He has recovered from the fever though he still has a cold and sinus infection. He's in pretty good spirits but he's been getting really tired and he stayed home from preschool all week. Harry and I took turns staying home with him, but I spent most of the week home and got to slow down from school a bit.