We have been having uncommonly winter-y weather in Portland. Usually it snows once or twice here and though there is never much accumulation, it throws everyone into a frenzy. Well, this week it has snowed almost every day since Sunday night and school has been closed since Monday. A bit of an overreaction but it's has given everyone a bit of a holiday before the holiday. It snowed again today and we actually had good snow this time. It was wet enough to make snowballs and I was able to get Elias outside. So far he hasn't been a big fan of snow and being cold but we had a great time this morning. We took a little walk and Elias chased me and tried to hit me with snowballs. Then he said he wanted to make a snowman. I haven't made a snowman since I lived in Pennsylvania. We walked back home and began rolling our snowman body. Then John Paul came over; he is our neighbor two doors down and he and Elias are the same age and they're pretty fond of each other. After we finished the snowman, the boys ran around throwing snow at each other and then decided to

use sand shovel

s to throw snow at my car. It really was fun and E's first time really getting to play in the snow. Now we're going to make hot chocolate with marshmallows and read some stories and stay warm.
Cara, Harry, and Elias,
Paul and I have been watching the weather reports, and Paul is excited of the thought of living where it snows. Not ever having lived in snow, he doesn't really know what he is in for! He doesn't like to be cold, either. Elias, you will have to show Uncle Paul how to make a snowman!
That's funny because Harry keeps saying he wants to go somewhere where it snows more often. I hadn't really thought of Portland as a snowy place, but I guess it's all relative. By the way, we're getting even more snow today... it doesn't seem like it will ever stop!
How lucky you are then, that school is out and you don't really have to go out in it. Poor Harry, I assume he will have to go to work tomorrow? And how nice that you will have a white Christmas!
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