I'm finally done with school for the term, so now I can actually spend some time with Elias. It is cold and rainy outside and we spent the morning inside on the couch reading book after book. After almost two hours I told Elias that my voice was getting hoarse and I had to stop; he continued on his own for a little while longer. How awesome is it that I have a son who can spend two hours reading? Not to mention that I have that kind of time for the next three weeks.
As I started writing this, Elias saw the picture of himself. When I told him that various aunts, uncles, and grandparents would see this he told me that they would say, "Oh, look. I really love that boy." He does not suffer from a lack of confidence.
"Oh, look. I really love that boy." (I really do!)
Oh, look, I really love that boy!
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