During lunch, Elias told us that if we "couldn't do something the first time, we should just keep trying." Once again, a bit of advice from my little philosopher son... I don't have any idea where he picks it up. Also, this is apparently something he says to Harry when Elias is watching Harry play a video game and Harry isn't doing well. How comforting.
After lunch we headed to the theater to watch Coraline. It was so good. It was also in 3-D and that was pretty awesome too. The theater was packed because the film was made here in Portland, and also because it is awesome... did I already mention that? Elias looked pretty cute in his enormous 3-D glasses. By the way, 3-D is not the same as it used to be and neither are the glasses. I was surprised that Elias kept the glasses on through the entire movie but he did. He also got a little scared and asked if we could leave at one point, but luckily we made it through.
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