This has been a pretty satisfying weekend. On Saturday, Elias and I went to his friend's third birthday and then he hung out with Harry at the park while I did homework. On Sunday we went to a bluegrass pancake breakfast and then had people over for the Steelers game. Yesterday was pretty low-key and Elias worked on his puzzles and we played some boardgames that Elias got over Christmas. We also tried to go to the park but it was really windy and cold. Our big event though was our breakfast party this morning in honor of Obama's inauguration. Elias got to stay home from preschool today on the condition that he would watch five minutes during which Obama was sworn in. I thought this was a very important event for Elias to see, even if he doesn't realize the significance of it yet. I'd just like to be able to tell him that he witnessed an important historical event in the making. Who knows? Maybe he'll actually remember it, too. He was true to his word and watched Obama take the oath of office and even stuck around for some of the stuff after that, but then the appeal of running around with his friends seduced him away from the tv. It was nice, though, to celebrate with Elias and some of our closest friends. A champagne toast to Obama! Or mimosas, in our case.
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
Inauguration Day and puzzles
Friday, January 16, 2009
Friday outing
We got on the bus and Elias happily played with his little figures for the the 1/2 hour ride. Ever since we have stopped using the car as our primary form of transportation, Elias has become a very frequent bus rider. He does well and really seems to like it. When we got to Powells we picked out two Oz books and I looked for a birthday gift while Elias looked at books. We ende up staying there much longer than I had anticipated and Elias still wasn't happy about leaving. It was lunch time when we left, so I asked E if he wanted to go to the brewery where he could get a sandwich and fries or get conveyor belt sushi. Elias chose sushi, even though we had to wait fifteen minutes to get a seat. Can I just say that my son is awesome and has great taste? After lunch we got back on the bus and E fell asleep. This evening we'll be going to Elias' first ballet class. A few of his other friends are also enrolled and I can't wait. One of my friends loaned me a black leotard for him and I think that I am more excited than he is. After ballet we're all going to have dinner together... lasagna, I think.
Sunday, January 11, 2009
Sick boy
The poor kid was so tired but couldn't sleep soundly; he kept waking up and wimpering. None of us got out of bed until noon on Sunday. That is definitely a record for Elias. Those of you who know him know that he is a VERY early riser. In fact he would have kept sleeping but Harry and I decided to wake him up to try to get some food and water into his feverish little body. I left the house to run and get groceries and by the time I returned, he was asleep again, but this time on the couch. So the remainder of the day was spent on the couch. Elias read books and watched a movie and napped off and on all day. He refused to eat all day until I offered him ice cream around dinner time. That perked him up for a little, but then he asked me to "carry me back to my couch and put my blankets on me." I obliged and he stayed there until he finally got so tired from his busy and arduous day that he requested to go to bed... at 7. He's sleeping now but I'm sure he'll be up again soon enough. He's actually been incredibly good. He didn't whine much at all, he just wanted to be left on the couch to recover. It really was sad to see him so low energy and disinterested in almost everything, but I'm hoping his day of rest will put him on the road to recovery. Tomorrow he'll have to go stay with my friend for a couple hours in the morning while I go to my high school for a meeting but then I'll be able to stay home with him the rest of the day. If he's feeling better, he may even accompany to my afternoon class at PSU so I can take a quiz. Who knows? I do know there will be much more time spent on the couch though.
Sunday, January 4, 2009
Cold Sunday
On the way home, we stopped at Fernhill Park to fly the radio-controlled dragonfly that Devyn gave me for Christmas. We'd tried it yesterday in our backyard, but that wasn't quite enough space to maneuver around. It was too windy at the park to really control it, but Elias enjoyed watching it just the same - actually, he probably thought the crashes were probably just as entertaining as the flight.
After lunch, Cara took a bath while Elias and I played Kids of Catan. We've picked up a few boardgames for him over the last couple weeks, and he's been able to follow the rules and play pretty enthusiastically, so I'm thrilled. Anyway, a very decent day so far.
Thursday, January 1, 2009
A Little Performance
"The Super Friends!
The Super Friends!
Their powerful powers
will kill the villains!"
Anyway, enjoy:
New Year's Eve
Harry put the house together, and then Elias went to town decorating it. Surprisingly none of the candy actually went into his mouth... at least until he finished. Elias wanted to start eating it immediately but I made him let me take a picture of the finished product first. He told us we couldn't do anything else until he had eaten the whole thing. He made it through the gingerbread man, the gingerbread snowman, and the gingerbread tree but then he said he needed to "save it for later." After that we all sat down to begin reading "The Road to Oz." Harry and I alternated reading and made it through eight chapters before we decided it would be physically impossible to read anymore. By this time it was after
9pm so we still had a couple hours to get through. We watched a few cartoons and Harry and Elias played Elias' new boardgame "Go Away, Monster!" (I was napping on the couch). At 11:30 we finally truned on the tv and watched everyone freezing in Times Square. We were all pretty tired but made it to 2009. Seconds after the ball dropped Elias' eyelashes fluttered closed and he fell asleep.
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